Academic Collaborations


Ibero-American Electronic Magazine (REIB)

The Center for Ibero-American Studies of the Rey Juan Carlos University and the University Institute of International Studies and ...

75 years ago the Nuremberg Trials were opened

(AFP) On November 20, 1945, the largest trial in history began in Nuremberg, in which ...

Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemns Chile for freedom of expression

San José, Nov 6 (EFE) .- The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) condemned the State of Chile as responsible for ...

Bachelet: Attacks on populated areas in Nagorno-Karabakh could constitute war crimes

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, stated the following: "International humanitarian law ...

Seventy-two countries denounce US sanctions against the ICC at the UN

At the request of Germany, 72 countries, States party to the Rome Statute that created the International Criminal Court (ICC), denounced ...

"The JEP can become a world reference": International Criminal Court

Two members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) spoke about the role of the JEP in the country. The vice prosecutor ...



Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemns Chile for freedom of expression

San José, Nov 6 (EFE).- The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IDC Court) condemned the State of Chile as responsible for restricting the freedom of thought and expression of Judge Daniel David Urrutia Laubreaux in 2004. According to the ruling, Notified this Friday to the parties, Chile violated the rights to freedom of thought

Inter-American Court of Human Rights condemns Chile for freedom of expression Read more »

Bachelet: Attacks on populated areas in Nagorno-Karabakh could constitute war crimes

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, stated the following: «International humanitarian law could not be clearer. Attacks that violate the principle of distinction or proportionality may constitute war crimes, and the parties to the conflict are obliged to investigate effectively, quickly, exhaustively.

Bachelet: Attacks on populated areas in Nagorno-Karabakh could constitute war crimes Read more »

Seventy-two countries denounce US sanctions against the ICC at the UN

At the request of Germany, 72 countries, States party to the Rome Statute that created the International Criminal Court (ICC), denounced this Monday, in a joint declaration at the UN, the recent US sanctions against two of its members. "We reaffirm our unfailing support for the Court as an independent and impartial judicial institution," stated the signatories of

Seventy-two countries denounce US sanctions against the ICC at the UN Read more »

"The JEP can become a world reference": International Criminal Court

Two members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) spoke about the role of the JEP in the country. The deputy prosecutor of this international organization, James Stewart, and Judge Luz Ibañez Carranza, pointed out, during the meeting "Impact of international courts of subsidiary jurisdiction", that this special justice can become a reference model in

"The JEP can become a world reference": International Criminal Court Read more »

The impartiality and independence of the international judge

International justice rests on a series of principles and norms generally included in the statutes of international tribunals and courts. Some of these principles are fundamental to the exercise of the function of the international judge and arbitrator, in particular, those related to the qualities required of the people chosen to exercise the authority.

The impartiality and independence of the international judge Read more »

Oxfam regrets that "the international community does not actively seek solutions to ensure sustainable peace and security" in Western Sahara

Nairobi (Kenya), October 28, 2020 (SPS) - In full discussions of the UN Security Council on the renewal of the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) and the latest tensions in the region, marked by the demonstrations and closure of the Guerguerat gap (border

Oxfam regrets that "the international community does not actively seek solutions to ensure sustainable peace and security" in Western Sahara Read more »

International Justice orders the transfer to The Hague of Kabuga for his trial for the genocide in Rwanda

he Residual Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MTPIR) has ordered that millionaire Félicien Kabuga, considered the main financier of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, be transferred to The Hague to answer for crimes committed more than two decades ago. Kabuga was arrested in May on the outskirts of Paris, where he lived with

International Justice orders the transfer to The Hague of Kabuga for his trial for the genocide in Rwanda Read more »

Central African Republic: Despite General 'Thirst for Justice', Some Warlords Still Free

Although some investigations and trials have been carried out in recent years, many of those responsible for horrific human rights violations and abuses in the Central African Republic have not been brought to justice two years after the launch of a Criminal Court Special in the country; so it

Central African Republic: Despite General 'Thirst for Justice', Some Warlords Still Free Read more »