Resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council in 1999
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S / RES / 1284 (1999) | December 17th 1999 | The situation between Iraq and Kuwait |
S / RES / 1283 (1999) | December 15th 1999 | The United Nations operation in Cyprus |
S / RES / 1282 (1999) | December 14th 1999 | The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) |
S / RES / 1281 (1999) | December 10th 1999 | The humanitarian situation in Iraq |
S / RES / 1280 (1999) | December 3th 1999 | The situation between Iraq and Kuwait |
S / RES / 1279 (1999) | November 30th 1999 | The conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
S / RES / 1278 (1999) | November 30th 1999 | The International Court of Justice |
S / RES / 1277 (1999) | November 30th 1999 | The International Civil Mission in Support of Haiti |
S / RES / 1276 (1999) | November 24th 1999 | The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
S / RES / 1275 (1999) | November 19th 1999 | The situation between Iraq and Kuwait |
S / RES / 1274 (1999) | November 12th 1999 | The situation in Tajikistan |
S / RES / 1273 (1999) | November 5th 1999 | The situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
S / RES / 1272 (1999) | 25th October 1999 | The situation in East Timor |
S / RES / 1271 (1999) | 22th October 1999 | The United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic |
S / RES / 1270 (1999) | 22th October 1999 | The situation in Sierra Leone |
S / RES / 1269 (1999) | 19th October 1999 | The adoption of measures aimed at eliminating international terrorism |
S / RES / 1268 (1999) | 15th October 1999 | The situation in Angola |
S / RES / 1267 (1999) | 15th October 1999 | The situation in Afghanistan |
S / RES / 1266 (1999) | 4th October 1999 | The humanitarian situation in Iraq |
S / RES / 1265 (1999) | 17th September 1999 | The causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa |
S / RES / 1264 (1999) | 15th September 1999 | The situation in East Timor |
S / RES / 1262 (1999) | August 27th, 1999 | The situation in East Timor |
S / RES / 1261 (1999) | August 25th, 1999 | The question of children and armed conflict |
S / RES / 1260 (1999) | August 20th, 1999 | The situation in Sierra Leone |
S / RES / 1259 (1999) | August 11th, 1999 | Appointment of Ms. Carla Del Ponte Prosecutor of the International Tribunal for the prosecution of those allegedly responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia and of the International Tribunal for Rwanda |
S / RES / 1258 (1999) | August 6th, 1999 | The situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
S / RES / 1257 (1999) | August 3th, 1999 | The situation in East Timor |
S / RES / 1256 (1999) | August 3th, 1999 | The General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
S / RES / 1255 (1999) | July 30, 1999 | The situation in Abkhazia (Georgia) |
S / RES / 1254 (1999) | July 30, 1999 | The situation in Lebanon |
S / RES / 1253 (1999) | July 28, 1999 | The application for admission of the Kingdom of Tonga |
S / RES / 1252 (1999) | July 15, 1999 | The United Nations Observer Mission in Prevlaka (MONUP) |
S / RES / 1251 (1999) | June 29th, 1999 | The Cyprus question |
S / RES / 1250 (1999) | June 29th, 1999 | The Cyprus question |
S / RES / 1249 (1999) | June 25th, 1999 | The application of the Republic of Nauru to the United Nations |
S / RES / 1248 (1999) | June 25th, 1999 | The application of the Republic of Kiribati to the United Nations |
S / RES / 1247 (1999) | June 18th, 1999 | The United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMIBH) |
S / RES / 1246 (1999) | June 11th, 1999 | The situation in East Timor |
S / RES / 1245 (1999) | June 11th, 1999 | The situation in Sierra Leone |
S / RES / 1244 (1999) | June 10th, 1999 | The humanitarian situation in Kosovo (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) |
S / RES / 1243 (1999) | May 27th 1999 | The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
S / RES / 1242 (1999) | May 21th 1999 | The humanitarian situation in Iraq |
S / RES / 1241 (1999) | May 19th 1999 | The International Tribunal for Rwanda |
S / RES / 1240 (1999) | May 15th 1999 | The situation in Tajikistan |
S / RES / 1239 (1999) | May 14th 1999 | Kosovo refugees |
S / RES / 1238 (1999) | May 14th 1999 | The question of Western Sahara |
S / RES / 1237 (1999) | May 7th 1999 | The situation in Angola |
S / RES / 1236 (1999) | May 7th 1999 | The situation in East Timor |
S / RES / 1235 (1999) | April 30th 1999 | The question of Western Sahara |
S / RES / 1234 (1999) | April 9th 1999 | The situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
S / RES / 1233 (1999) | April 6th 1999 | The Guinea-Bissau question |
S / RES / 1232 (1999) | March 30th 1999 | The question of Western Sahara |
S / RES / 1231 (1999) | March 11th 1999 | The situation in Sierra Leone |
S / RES / 1230 (1999) | February 26th 1999 | The United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic (MINURCA) |
S / RES / 1229 (1999) | February 26th 1999 | The situation in Angola |
S / RES / 1228 (1999) | February 11th 1999 | The question of Western Sahara |
S / RES / 1227 (1999) | February 10th 1999 | The border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea |
S / RES / 1226 (1999) | January 29, 1999 | The border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea |
S / RES / 1225 (1999) | January 28, 1999 | The United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG) |
S / RES / 1224 (1999) | January 28, 1999 | The question of Western Sahara |
S / RES / 1223 (1999) | January 28, 1999 | The situation in Lebanon |
S / RES / 1222 (1999) | January 15, 1999 | The United Nations Observer Mission in Prevlaka (MONUP) |
S / RES / 1221 (1999) | January 12, 1999 | The situation in Angola |
S / RES / 1220 (1999) | January 12, 1999 | The situation in Sierra Leone |